Sherbrook Primary School

Adventurer 3

Welcome to Adventurer 3. We are a mixed year 3 / 4 class. Kerry is the class teacher. Kay is the TA. Leah and Jemma are the ISA's.

Adventurer 3 Staff

Summer 1:

This half term our children have been working really hard and we are so proud of the achievements they have made.


In English we have read, looked at and explored lots of books on minibeasts we have enjoyed Tad, that was a story about a tadpole, enjoyed stories on Caterpillars and butterflies and the book Monkey Puzzle which showed us lots of different animals and about a monkey who couldn’t find his mommy.


For Maths this term we have looked at counting on within a number taking away using number lines and learning about time, we have used clocks, sequencing of events and routines. We have also been learning the months of the year and finding out when our birthdays are.


In Science we have focused on plants and animals we have looked at lots of different flowers and leaves and even planted our own seeds and have been watching them grow. We have learnt about what we need to do to help them grow. We had a visit from an animal man who brought in a selection of animals that we were able to touch.


We have really embraced our Incredible India topic and were able to do lots of tasting and cooking of Indian foods and sweets, we even managed to go and enjoy a traditional Indian meal at a restaurant in Birmingham. We have had henna tattoos and dressed in traditional  Indian clothing and made Rangoli patterns out of coloured sand.

Summer 2:

The topic is – ‘Monarchs’. 



Please can you check your child’s folder for any letters, certificates or messages.

  • - Please send home/school diaries, in daily.
  • - If you would like your child to have a snack, we can provide fruit or you could send a snack in.
  • - Forest school – Mondays
  • - PE Thursdays


Adventurer 3 class photos