Adventurer 5
Overview of class
Welcome to Adventurer 5. We are an upper key stage 2 class. Our teacher is Jas. Our Teaching assistant is Stacey. Our ISAs are Tara (Mon - Wed), Sallyann and Louise..
Adventurer 5 Staff
Autumn 2:
English: We read lots of books based on the theme space. We made oxygen tanks and went on a mission to space. Linked to space we wrote sentences using similes and expanded noun phrases about the moon.
Maths: We consolidated our learning on place value and learnt to count in 2s, 5s & 10s. We learnt number bonds to 10 and used these related facts to help learn bonds to 100. They also learnt about fact families.
Science: We learnt all about the solar system. We made planets using paper mâché and learnt how all the planets orbit the sun. We had a wonderful trip to Jodrell Bank which consolidated our learning.
Topic: We learnt all about ancient Greek, we looked at the different gods and chose which we liked and why. We had a Greek afternoon where we learnt Greek dancing and tried out some Greek food. The cous cous was a great hit with most the children.
Forest Schools: We have continued to explore our natural environment and had lots of fun on the way. We have created bird feeders using cones and had fun completing a slack line just to name a few activities.
Spring 1:
Children will be doing forest schools on a Tuesday afternoon (please ensure suitable clothing for the weather and please send in a change of clothes as we may get dirty/wet. P.E. will be on Thursday so children can come dressed in their PE kits on this day. Swimming will be a Friday morning so please send children in with a swimming kit and towel each week.
We will let you know of any important dates via Dojo.
Thank you for your continued support.
Adventurer 5 class photos
Thank you for your continued support.