Adventurer 5
Overview of class
Welcome to Adventurer 5. We are an upper key stage 2 class. Our teacher is Jas. Our Teaching assistant is Stacey. Our ISAs are Tara (Mon - Wed), Sallyann and Louise..
Adventurer 5 Staff
Autumn 1:
Our class have been looking at:
English: We are looking at stories based around wishes, dreams and feelings.
Maths: We are learning about place value of 2 and 3 digit numbers.
Science: We are learning about the changing states, solids, liquids and gases
Topic: We are going to be looking at the Ancient Egyptians, the children will be having lots of fun learning about mummification.
Forest Schools: We are exploring our natural environment, children will be getting messy so please could you send in an oversized shirt to protect their clothes.
Autumn 2:
Our topic for next half term will be Extreme Earth.
Children will continue doing forest schools on a Tuesday morning (please ensure suitable clothing for the weather (sun cream where necessary) and please send in a change of clothes as we may get dirty/wet. P.E. will be on Tuesday and we will be swimming on a Wednesday from now until Christmas so children can come dressed in their PE kits
We will let you know of any important dates via Dojo.
Thank you for your continued support.
Thank you for your continued support.