Explorer 2 Class
Welcome to Explorer 2. We are a mixed year 1, 2 and 3 complex needs class. Tania is the class teacher. The teaching assistant is Lisa. The ISAs are Hannah, Ellie and Jess.
Explorer 2 Staff
Autumn 2:
Our topic this half term has been “Winter Wonderland”. We have been learning about animals who live in the cold and had lots of opportunities for sensory play including ice, snow and tasted ice cream and made hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows. The children also enjoyed a visit to the Snowdome.
We have had lots of different art activities on offer and the children have had the opportunity to decorate biscuits, taste different fruits and vegetables and made their own sandwiches during our cookery sessions.
Explorer 2 have again enjoyed weekly sessions at forest school exploring mud, water and more recently making Christmas decorations.
Swimming has been a highlight with all children enjoying lessons in the pool.
Spring 1:
The topic is Circus and in our maths lessons we will be looking at filling and emptying. If anyone has any old floppy hats, oversized shirts, trousers, shoes or wigs please feel free to send them in for our role play Circus area. We are looking forward to learning lots of circus skills and having lots of moments of laughter into next half term.
Please can you check your child’s bag for any letters, certificates or messages.
- - If you would like your child to have a snack, we can provide fruit or you could send a snack in.
- - Forest school – Monday.
- - PE lesson – Wednesday.
- - Can you please name ALL of your child’s belongings.
- - Can you also send in spare clothes including sock’s everyday please.
- - As the weather starts to get colder please send in warm clothes, coats, hats, scarves and gloves.
Explorer 2 class photos
Thank you for your continued support.