Emergency Closures
How will I know if Sherbrook Primary School is closed?
Should the school need to close due to adverse weather conditions or in an emergency situation then the school will update the following Staffordshire County Council Website:
Any school closures reported to the local authority by the Headteacher will display on the school closures list and will also be sent to those parents who have signed up to receive alerts|.
A smart phone version of the school closure list is also available. All you need to do is access the list using your mobile phone's internet browser and the mobile version will display.
Other methods of communication may include:
- Announcement on the local radio stations (radio stations will refer to the Staffordshire County Council web site for up to date information)
- Message on school website and school answerphone
- Notice on the school gates
Sign up for alerts
Sign up for school closure alerts| via text message and email, so that Staffordshire County Council can notify you immediately when our school informs them of a closure.