Sherbrook Primary School

How we teach Computing

At Sherbrook Primary School, Computing and ICT is taught in a variety of ways.

Children have the opportunity to use a wide range of equipment, programmes, software’s and devices appropriate to their level of understanding.

  • I-Pads
  • Laptops
  • Interactive White Boards
  • Tough Books
  • Tough Cams
  • Recording Devices
  • Beebots
  • Other roamer devices
  • Omi White Room
  • Omi Dark Room

All children have the opportunity to experience these devices in an age appropriate manner. Teaching staff use the New National Curriculum for Computing as the basis for the teaching of this subject within the school and assessment is completed through the Solar Assessment Tool.

Before any learning of technology commences in any classroom, staff undertake a Risk Assessment of appropriateness of the use of technology for their class grouping. Before each lesson commences staff remind children of the responsible use of technology and are constantly vigilant as to the sites that are being used, ensuring they are appropriate for the grouping.

Online Safety is embedded throughout the school using visual reminders, specific lessons and verbal reminders about SMART guidance, Tell – a – Grownup.


In the Explorer pathway, children will be allowed to explore technology and use it for cause and effect activities. They will undertake moving objects physically and on a screen device. They begin to use ipads and are taught to identify if something is wrong or upsets them to get help from a grownup.


In the Adventurer pathway children should move on from previous learning, to understand more complex devices using input and output and taking pictures/videos/recording sounds. They use ipads to access learning games (doodle maths) and enhance the curriculum. They begin to use laptops (where appropriate) to learn skills on Word, Publisher, Powerpoint, saving and retrieving work, simple coding and using the internet for research. They learn about online safety through SMART guidance, with Smartie the Penguin stories, Safer Internet day and focussed curriculum topic areas.


In the Discover pathway children should move on from previous learning, to understand more complex devices using input and output and taking pictures/videos/recording sounds. They use ipads to access learning games (doodle maths) and enhance the curriculum. They develop skills on Word, Publisher, Powerpoint, saving and retrieving work, coding and using the internet for research using laptops. They learn about online safety through SMART guidance, with Smartie the Penguin stories, Safer Internet day and focussed curriculum topic areas.